Thursday, January 13, 2005

"I sell things."

I had a conversation with a Mexican prostitute at Footsies, the bar that Winkie so capably commands. This prostitute (and I'm not sure she was but I'll get to that confusion in a moment) had wavy peroxide hair, red-orange lips over-lined and two rings of black eyeliner around her dull but kindly black eyes. She held onto a glass of Merlot like it was stick-shift. I was at Footsies to keep Winky company but while she wandered off to make drinks, the MP struck up a conversation, marked by her great giant pauses before all of her replies. Sometimes her answers were to questions I hadn't asked. Eventually it wound into this strange and undefinable territory...

Me: So, what do you do?
MP: (Giant pause in which she slowly moved her head around, as if she was hearing something from a great distance) I'm rich.
Me: Oh yeah? That's pretty cool.
MP: I own buildings, two in Silver Lake and I'm getting one downtown.
Me: That's great.
MP: Downtown is the future.
Me: I hear that. I gotta get on that.
(Another great, exhaustive pause in which I could've had a whole other conversation with someone else. Instead, I chose to watch MP continue to loll her head around, her eyes falling on any object in the room, but seeming not to register the difference between woman and wine glass, juke box and bar stool, bouncer and cash register.)
MP: (with sudden renewed interest) Listen, I think you're a beautiful woman.
Me: Well, thanks.
MP: And if you want to hang with me, I'll show you things.
Me: (long pause) OK...
MP: Listen, I sell and get rid of things.
Me: Like what?
MP: Everything, whatever.
Me: (excited) You mean drugs?
MP: Oh, no, no, no. I don't do drugs. No, never.
Me: (disappointed) Oh.
MP: I sell things, a lot of things.
Me: Things.
MP: Yeah, so if you want to see what I can do for you... I'll give you my number.
Me: Uh, sure.
MP: I'm into women, not men.
Me: Oh, OK.

Later on that night, this woman ended up getting sort of unofficially kicked out. But I have her number in my cel phone programmed under "Don't Answer." Yes, I gave her my cel phone. What, like she's even going to remember what Footsies is the next day? Much less Ms. Scarlet?


Blogger Blog ho said...

I've also heard that downtown is the next big thing. Perhaps it's time to invest.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Margaret Louise said...

That will be the day I find God. No one is welcome on my balcony except Lima, who enjoys making a fine mess of herself each and every day. If I see anybody else, then I've got some heaven to tend to.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Margaret Louise said...

You're welcome, TW. I have a bad cold right now and I'm trying to ramp myself up and write something nice and witty, but I'd rather just groan outloud and/or ponder which used tissue still has enough room to blow my nose. It's all about those clean corners. Hey, I like to recycle.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Winky Stanofowick said...

I'M SORRY you got the sickness, it's all my fault.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Margaret Louise said...


10:50 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Ms. Margaret L, I just recently figured out who you are (as I'm a slow poke) and I just want to say, hey..

And by the way, I loved you on The Price Is Right..(brought to me a la House of Dum)!

4:13 AM  
Blogger Margaret Louise said...

Hi Victoria! Yes, it's me, another old friend of House of Dum's. Glad you saw my star-making turn on Price is Right. I still can't believe that happened. And congrats on your new "real" job! Can't wait to read all about it...

9:32 AM  

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